Well, you now have your shiny new grill sitting on the patio, and you look forward to cooking a number of solid, juicy burgers or steaks. You want your food to go vote, but whims, like everything else, a little practice. This grilling tips may help you get a good start, and making a good meal.
oil Make your grill first. Either spray the grill with a NONSTICK cooking spray before you turn on the grill, or you can wipe it down with a wad of paper towels dipped in cooking oil. If the grill is hot, especially to hold the paper handkerchiefs in a couple tongs. For a proper lubrication keep the meat from a stabbing to the grill. If it sticks, it will crack if you do, and it will lose its juices and dry, as well as looking unattractive, so make sure you have the correct oil the grill.
preheat the grill before you put all the food on. You want the grill to a constant temperature. If you are on the meat, while the grill is heating, you can end up with dry meat. If you use charcoal, check the coal before you put the meat on the grill. The coal must be fully gray. This allows the temperature to level off, and lighter fluid to burn away.
If you do not like the taste of lighter fluid in your diet, try using a chimney starter. Place the coal in the summit, and then wad a few sheets of newspaper in the soil. Light the paper, and wait until the coal to ignite, then dump them into the grill. Just be sure not to the chimney starter on a combustible surface.
Make sure that your meat is completely thawed before cooking. Thaw in the refrigerator for a few days before you need it, and let the thawing.
Remove from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature before cooking. You can also thaw meat in the microwave, but there must be cooked immediately after you remove it from the microwave.
Avoid food-borne diseases, not the place cooked meat on the same plate that you used for the transport of raw meat on the grill. Use a different cutting board for meat and vegetables to avoid cross contamination.
Never use a fork to the meat. A fork will poke holes in the meat, allowing the juices to drain away, making dry meat, and a difficult build-up of grease and burned on juices to clean your grill. Use a combination of tang to the meat, and keep the juices wherever it belongs, in the flesh.
You need to open the lid from time to time to turn the meat, and to check for doneness. You leave the lid closed as much as possible, though. The changing temperatures of constantly opening and closing the valve ensures the meat dry. So keep the lid closed, unless you're willing you to check whether the meat.
Not everything must be cooked in the highest temperature you can reach grill. If the heat is too high, the exterior of the meat will burn while the inside are barely cooked. Turn the temperature a bit on the gas grill, or let the coal burn a bit more on a charcoal grill. There are certainly a number of foods to be cooked on high, but not all.
If you want to brush a sugary barbecue sauce on your meat, wait until the last few minutes of cooking time. If you have the sauce on too early, the sugar in the sauce will burn.
So, fire up the grill, and the practice of your grilling techniques. Apply these simple tips, and you'll be grilling as a pro in no time.
Patio Grilling tips for grilling and grilling recipes.
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